Thursday, 18 November 2010

Main idea

Today, in our first two lessons of Media Studies, we have been told to get in our groups and continue to plan for our main idea. We have also been given a sheet for this that we should fill in thoroughly.

Thursday, 11 November 2010


For a practise piece, our group has been asked to re-create the opening for Juno, or any other film of our choice. Because we couldn't think of another film we could do, we decided to settle with Juno.

We have been asked to do this so we can get used to planning, story boarding, using the camera and editing the footage.

Sound - Diegetic and non-Diegetic

Diegetic sound, is sound that you can here on screen.
For example:
  • Voice of characters
  • Sounds made by objects being moved
  • musical instrument being played on set.
Digetic sound can be either on screen or off screen depending on whatever its source is within the frame or outside the frame. 

Non-Diegetic, is sound that cannot be seen on the screen
For example:
  • narrator's commentary
  • sound effects which is added for the dramatic effect
  • mood music
Non-diegetic sound is represented as coming from the a source outside story space.